Teaching and Learning at OLOR

Our Lady of the Rosary offers a broad curriculum approved by the NSW Board of Studies.

We are supported by the Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay which exists to educate and form young people in Catholic Discipleship offering the experience of following Jesus as part of a Catholic community.

At Our Lady of the Rosary we believe that children learn best:

  • in a supportive context of quality relationships between students, and between students and enthusiastic teachers;
  • when teaching starts from what they know;
  • by engaging in meaningful, relevant and challenging activities;
  • when there is encouragement and support to achieve excellence in all areas;
  • when they have planned, regular opportunities to have processes explicitly demonstrated or modelled to them;
  • when they receive honest and authentic feedback that is both encouraging and gives a direction for future learning;
  • when they are involved in reflection about the quality of their learning;
  • when they celebrate success