Strategic Direction – SIP

Our shared vision for Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School is to provide a quality education in a Christ-centred, Catholic community where children are nurtured in a secure and challenging environment.

‘Empowering our children to be critical thinkers who are able to make a difference in their world as witnesses to the Good News of Jesus’.

We have a strong commitment to improvement at OLOR and each year develop a School Improvement Plan (SIP) around the three key areas of:

  1. Catholic Life and Mission
  2. Learning and Teaching
  3. Pastoral Care

Strategic Goals: Catholic Life and Mission

To develop students as disciples of Jesus using the ‘Head, Heart, Hand’ model of transformative learning.

Key Improvement Strategies

  • Explore and develop a greater variety of prayer experiences for class prayer
  • Organise PL around rich prayer classroom liturgy experiences, RE assessment and journalling.
  • Introduce student journalling to enable students to write about their ‘relationship with Jesus.’
  • Introduce the new K-2 RE Syllabus to Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2
  • Develop deeper awareness of and commitment to Social Justice initiatives and students’ responses

Strategic Goal: Learning and Teaching

To develop students as creative, self-directed learners

Key Improvement Strategies

  • Work with the model of Continuous Cycle of Improvement (CIC) with staff  with a focus on professional learning on (i) high quality pedagogical practices, (ii) use of data, (iii) and student feedback.
  • Dedicated sessions of Collaborative Coaching in the focus area of Mathematics to improve student outcomes with continued focus on data and differentiation
  • Use of a range of mobile devices in classrooms – ipads, laptops and chromebooks

Strategic Goal: Pastoral Care

To enhance learning across the curriculum, underpinned by wellbeing principles

Key Improvement Strategies

  • Continued focus on ‘Social and Emotional Learning’ (SEL) for students
  • Involve grades in special programs to foster emotional learning – Rock and Water in Year 4; Girls Power and Boys Power in Year 5 and 6
  • Explore ways to incorporate SEL strategies into the learning/teaching program
  • Cybersafety lessons K-6
  • UR Strong program
  • Wellbeing Week in Week 7 of each term to encourage stillness, silence and simplicity and time with family